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Scheibe SF-25 C Falke takeoff at Airfield Nötsch | OE-9435
OO-MFS 1972 Scheibe SF-25C Falke take off
Scheibe SF-25 C Falke takeoff and landing at Airfield Spitzerberg | OE-9171
Scheibe SF-25 C Falke landing at Airfield Ferlach | OE-9435
Scheibe SF-25 C Falke takeoff and landing at Airfield Spitzerberg | OE-9086
Scheibe SF 25C Falke aerobatics
Landing to Bagnères De Luchon Airport (LFCB) F-CHCC, Scheibe SF-25E Super Falke, Midi Pyrennes
Touch and Go with SF25C
Scheibe SF-25 Falke OE-9435 bei der Flugshow 2016 Ferlach
Falke SF 25 C
Sportfliegerclub Fürstenfeld Scheibe SF 25 Falke takeoff @ Flughafen Graz | D-KIAT
Steirische Flugsportunion Scheibe SF-25C takeoff at Graz Airport | OE-9148